We believe in the ability of the corporate world to evolve towards more sustainable models

We believe in the ability of the corporate world to evolve towards more sustainable models

Our CSR Strategy

We combine consulting and Corporate Social Responsibility expertises to bolster your sustainable transition

We combine consulting and Corporate Social Responsibility expertises to bolster your transition towards sustainability

In our recent history, few moments have so powerfully summoned the question of human evolution […] 

We believe in the Darwinian vision of the business world. And today, the attributes and strategies for survival of the fittest are far more complex and therefore difficult to master than they have been in the past


Discover the pillars of our offering, designed to support our clients in implementing these complex transformations 

Discover the pillars of our offering, designed to support our clients in implementing these complex transformations

CSR Strategy

You are looking to initiate a CSR approach, align with regulations, or enhance your existing strategy.

Climate Strategy

You want to implement a Climate Strategy combining ambitious low carbon trajectory, risk management and appropriate Governance

Sustainable IT

You aim to integrate sustainability at the core of your digital transformation and align the objectives of your IT department with those of CSR

CSR Strategy

You are looking to initiate a CSR approach, align with regulations, or enhance your existing strategy.

Cimate strategy

You want to implement a Climate Strategy combining ambitious low carbon trajectory, risk management and appropriate Governance

Sustainable IT

You aim to integrate sustainability at the core of your digital transformation and align the objectives of your IT department with those of CSR

Our approach

We combine strategy and execution capability in short cycles to deliver real change and visible results


We combine strategy and execution capability in short cycles to deliver real change and visible results

Our sustainable consulting approach

Our approach to consulting evolves to accelerate business transition towards sustainability

Our approach to consulting evolves to accelerate business transition towards sustainability

ESG Flash-diag

We systematically incorporate an ESG flash diagnostic into the consulting assignments entrusted to us, regardless of the issue at hand

Impact steering

The impacts, risks, and opportunities identified will be subject to tailored project management aligned with the mission and your objectives


We share low-carbon and eco-responsible best practices with our interlocutors, whether technological or civic


We raise awareness among your teams throughout our collaboration : sharing of practices, dedicated tools, or on-demand sessions


For 4 years by your side.


Discover our achievements !

For 4 years by your side.
Discover some of our achievements!

Raise Awareness

From Executive Management and Board of Directors to operational teams, addressing sustainability challenges including eco-responsible digital practices


Proprietary ESG indexes incorporating eco-responsible digital practices. We assess the CSR maturity of our clients and market players.
E.g in the banking sector.


International groups end-to-end, from the development of their CSR strategy, launch of their transformation, to the publication of their Sustainability report.

Let’s meet up !